PreacherWoman for the Goddess
PreacherWoman for the Goddess
Poems, Invocations, Plays and Other Holy Writ
by Bethroot Gwynn, published by Mother Tongue Ink, 2017 (9781942775126 pbk).
PreacherWoman is a collection of spirit-filled word feasts, puzzling on life and death mysteries, rich with metaphor and surprise. The writing speaks both celebration and angst, both passion and alarm for the earth, both reverence for and quarrel with The Ineffable in Her female guises. Personal stories peel away from a preacherful backdrop of family history, up-ended into decades of work and love within a network of landwomen who build their own houses, bury their own dead, and invent their own ceremonies.
Includes seven full color illustrations from past editions of the We'Moon Datebook, stunning poetic musings celebrating women's empowerment and feminist spirituality, and profound excerpts of Bethroot's plays and Holy Writ.
"PreacherWoman for the Goddess expresses profound caring, elegantly and sometimes humorously conveyed, in this joyful exploration of a singularly meaningful way of life. The poems offer a tender, precisely and compassionately observed portrait of life among country women. The many gifts and surprises in nature, the intimacy, ritual and decorum of women living in a consciously ceremonial way, watched over by the goddess in her many forms.”
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