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Black Salt

Black Salt

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Evenstar Black Salt

Made with ritually blessed ingredients and charged with Protective Energy. 

Black Salt should be a basic ingredient in your tool kit.  Black salt, like any other black crystal or object, draws dark energies towards it and in doing so "distracts" the darkness from their intentions. 

Use black salt as a spirit barrier.  Sprinkle around your property to keep away unpleasant people or things.  Use the salt to draw a line across a threshold or window sill to block dark entities from crossing.

At work, place black salt in a sachet or dish on your desk to help keep annoying people at bay, or to absorb negative energies. 

Candle magic to banishing negative entities or people: brush an anointing oil on a black candle; roll the candle in black salt.  The candle is ready to burn or you can use it in other spellwork.

Black salt is NOT a culinary product and contains ingredients that are not for human consumption.  Do not ingest this product or use it on food.

Ingredients: Kosher salt, charcoal from witch's ritual fire, iron filings, cascarilla powder, blackened protection herbs (rue, rosemary, nettle, rose, thyme). this batch was made with Hellfire oil.

We learned to make this product from our local shaman at the Greenwood Society.  Most of the herbal ingredients are locally sourced through living life as a ritual.

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Comes in 1 or 3 ounce packets. Photo is approximately 1 oz. Dishes, coins, or other items in the photo are for size reference only and are not included in your purchase. See product ingredients for ingredients.