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Tarot Correspondences

Tarot Correspondences

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Chang, T. Susan. Tarot Correspondences: Ancient Secrets for Everyday Readers. First edition. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2018.

viii, 383 pages : illustrations ; 8 x 10; paperback; Includes over 100 essential tables & charts; bibliographical references & Bibliography; ISBN: 9780738755120.

Book--Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn;  Book--HOGD; Book--Dignities (Astrology); Book--Tarot; Book--correspondences

Review by RDJ, 9/29/2024.This book is very complex; it has every correspondences for every card, division, and suit, that you could possibly want or use.

This text is divided into 3 parts.  The first part has four chapters detailing, in table form, the correspondences of the major arcana, the four suits, the minor arcana, and the suit cards. The second part is how to use the correspondences, including elemental uses, astrological uses, numerical correspondences, kabbalistic correspondences, and then some techniques about how to integrate these methods.  This part’s last chapter has individual card tables for each of the 78 cards.  The third part is a short essay about how you can carry your study of correspondences further.

Chang enumerates for each card, titles, numbers, hermetic titles, dates, planet and zodiac associations, the gods and goddesses, attributes, sephirot, Hebrew letter, Color, profession, element, physiology, arcane names, different tarot systems (such as the Alexandrian, continental, Marseille, Perabi, and the balbi), the decans (from various hermetic texts such as the Picatrix or Agrippa), Sabian symbols, and so on and so on.  At various places, Chang talks about the differences between the Golden Dawn correspondences and the Crowley correspondences, which are different.

This is not a book for the novice. There are exercises for how to put these correspondences together in a reading, magical techniques, how to use the correspondences to craft a spell.  Chang includes a short but excellent bibliography but no index (which shouldn’t be a problem given the organization of the text, although if you’re looking for specific topics, such as Golden Dawn symbology, it might have been helpful).

T. Susan Chang is a writer and teacher who has 20 years been practicing tarot she was a reader in New York in the 1990s, who took her practice "underground" and resurfaced in 2015 with the systematic study of esoteric correspondences in Tarot.  she was the host of "fortune's wheelhouse," which is an esoteric Tarot podcast.  she also created the arcane case for tarot decks she sells on her Etsy shop and has a channel on Spotify.  lives in New England.


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Product Details

EAN: 9780738755120
Imprint: Llewellyn Publications
Published: October 2018
Pages: 408 pages, Trade Paperback, 8x10; Tables, Bibliography.