Shadow Work with Mara Evenstar
Shadow Work Through the Chakras
I have decades of training and experience in creating gentle, loving spaces within which to do your soul-healing work.
Are you ready for this radical act of self-love??

And what this world really needs now are clear and centered hearts and minds, not the occluded, reactive and over-protective parts of ourselves taking the lead. Join me and 5 other heart-centered soul-adventurers on this healing journey beginning in January of 2025!
I’ve heard several people say they are aware of the importance of shadow work, but really don’t know where to start or how to do it methodically.
And doing shadow work on our own without a mirror can result in feelings of isolation and overwhelm -- or just a continuation of sliding right past those blind spots.
Ultimately, no one can do your shadow work for you. But there is great value in having loving allies holding the space for you, holding the mirror for you, and holding high intentions for the next best version of you that is trying to be born!
A key part of growing and evolving as a person is the ability to become aware of and identify patterns of thought, emotional triggering, and behaviors that get in the way of becoming your fullest Self. Doing shadow work is an integral part of the self-development process.

We do shadow work so that:
• we break ancestral and family patterns of trauma.
• we don’t get stuck in behavior patterns, limiting belief systems or emotional reactiveness.
• we heal, and we can stop hurting others with our unconscious and unhealed behaviors.
• we can bring more mindfulness, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion to our day-to-day interactions with ourselves, others and the world.
• We free up psychic and emotional energy which can then be used for creativity, engaging more fully in life, and expanding our perspectives and levels of understanding.
You do not need to be literate in shadow work or the chakra system to benefit from this course, just a willingness to practice my 3C’s (cultivating compassionate curiosity).

So how do we do this work?
I offer the Shadow Work Through the Chakras course in two ways.
1. Online Live Class format. This format is only offered once a year, and we run it through the winter (in the northern hemisphere). In this intimate class of only 6 participants, we will be using a combination of sacred play, witnessing circle, contemplation, reflection and ritual to bring the shadow aspects of our seven main energy centers into the light for acceptance, integration and healing. This is a 9-week online class that also includes a one-hour 1:1 with me either as a make-up class or as extra support. We meet for two hours, once a week on zoom. Expect to also be investing time and energy outside of class time to be with your own process.
- peer support & learning
- shared reflections & insights
- structured with a set pace
- 18 "live" hours of course time
- 1 hour personal session
- online only format
2025 Sections:
Section 1: Nine Mondays, Jan 6 - Mar 10; 6:30-8:30pm ET (break Feb 24)
Section 2: Nine Fridays, Jan 10 - Mar 14; 10am - 12pm ET (break Feb 21)
2. Personal Journey format. There are no silver bullets in shadow work. Transformation. Takes. Time. This is why I have developed a 10 session journey that can be done over the course of a year, at your pace, so that awareness and insight can result in long-lasting change; and there is support in integrating and processing how these changes impact your relationships and sense of identity. The personal journey is done one-on-one with me, and can be done with video conferencing or in person (or both). This is a good option if the dates for the online course format won't work for you, or if you would prefer to not do this work in a small group setting.
- course is personalized to your needs- go at your own pace
- 10 personal sessions
- online or in-person (Ann Arbor, MI)
Shadow Work: Flower Power
This juicy new offering is only for those who completed my Shadow Work Through the Chakras course by 2024 (at least once). Many of you expressed a desire to continue this work and to have opportunities be stay connected with your cohort.
I am so stoked to be finally pulling together this offering and I’m loving how the concept and structure are landing!
Ok, here’s what’s coming!!
4 mini-retreats (1-day workshops) total, one mini-retreat per quarter of 2025. These will be held in-person in the Ann Arbor area. These are the dates that are pretty solid (but not yet in stone). Feb 9, May 25, Aug 10 and Nov 1. Each mini-retreat includes the 4-5 hour workshop and two monthly zoom check-ins for follow up.