Ganesha's New Home

Ganesha's New Home

By Rhys

Many of you will remember that Ganesh had an honored place in the shoppe and was a focal point for shoppers and visitors.  We are happy to show you that Ganesh has settled into his new space quite wonderfully.  He still is a focal point of our home and receives the same love that was showered on him by countless visitors, but things are much more quiet around him now.  

Despite my daily requests to "hear me," he gets frequent offerings of incense and candles, and he seems genuinely content in his new space.  He gets to see the squirrels and chipmunks when they get anxious enough to come up to the back door asking where the food is or if I'm going to be replenishing the bird feeder today.  And he's gratified to see the finches and sparrows who are constantly flitting about as "Grandma," our venerable silver maple that has been here longer than all the mid-century suburban cookie-cut neighborhood houses have, does her annual shedding of her foliage.  Autumn is a time of completions and endings, but it is also the cusp of new beginnings.

R. 10/29/24

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